Week 24–Great Expectations

Winding down after 26 weeks of concentrated effort, on a course in personal self-discovery, I must say I am looking forward to using the new habits I have mastered on my circuitous route to today. I have great expectations for me and my future. I have a plan that is brimming with new ideas and adventures. I have come to know myself better in these last image image image months. I’ve looked at both my strengths and my weaknesses and find they are a beautiful composite of me, much like a collage of snippets and photos.

I cannot help but feel energized by my journey. It began last April when we flew to Kauai to participate in a Go90Grow live event, hosted by Mark and Davene Januszewski. I was an accompanying spouse. Don is the one who had taken the course a few years back. I hung around the fringes and got caught up in the excitement. Caught me off guard, actually. What a terrific event, held in one of the most beautiful spots in the world! Will miss this Spring’s repeat but expect to return again someday for another. Mark and Davene know how to sponsor an unforgettable seminar. Most interesting there are folks from around the globe to share with. New friends to make, just as we have in the MKMMA.

I know where to find answers to probing questions, specific issues, future adventures. I will look to myself and concentrate in silence and listen carefully to what I hear. I have written down one key phrase from each of the Og Mandino scrolls that spoke loudest to me. Here they are:
I swallow the seed of success and new life sprouts within me!
Only the unseen power of love can open the hearts of men.
I greet the new sun with confidence-this is the best day of my life!
I am not on this earth by chance!
Yesterday is buried…I think of it no more.
Today I control my destiny, I become master of myself!

My definite major purpose in life, in that one short sentence I wrote back on December 15th, remains foremost in my thoughts; I am a magnet of influence for others! When I leave this world I would like nothing better than for my children and grandchildren to remember me in this way! I have Great Expectations.